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Proton Electron

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Details van het spel

Proton V Electron is a free clicker and avoider game. As you may or may not know: opposites attract. This is a game that will put your knowledge of protons, electrons, opposites, attraction, and how all of that stuff works together --or doesn't-- to the ultimate test. This is Proton V Electron, the epic, ages-old tale of protons, electrons, and what it takes to bring them together. In this case, it will require you to use your reflexes and a keen eye in order to make sure that protons only smash into electrons, and electrons only smash into protons. that is it. The game will challenge you by randomly going back and forth between protons and electrons. It will challenge you by having the protons and electrons fire from the top and the bottom of the screen at different and random times. It will challenge you by having the centrifuge in the middle of the screen switch directions and speeds at random intervals. All of these different obstacles must be overcome if you wish to become the true champion of Proton V Electron.

Categorie: Vaardigheidsspellen
Toegevoegd 12 Jun 2020