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Princesses Pastel Hairstyles

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Details van het spel

Spring is here and with the change of the season the Fairyland princesses also wanta change of look. Mermaid Princess, Ice Princess and Island Princess got bored of their old hairstyle and color and the cold season clothes and outfits. Now that is sunny and warm outside they are looking for a colorful hairstyle and some stylish new clothes. Why don't you help them out by playing this game? All three of them want a pastel hairstyle so start with Mermaid Princess who wants some braids and a cool makeup. Decorate her hair with a flower crown and match her new look with a white boho style dress. Ice Princess would like two buns and a very colorful hair and Island Princess can't wait to have pink and green and purple strings in her hair. Have fun!

Toegevoegd 04 Oct 2019