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Battle Pirates

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Details van het spel

Battle Pirates a MMORPG fun game. Alert, enemies are trying to invade our territory. Enjoy the exciting and awesome graphics, Build an island fortress, customize deadly ships, and rule the high seas in the most epic, conquer the neighbor continental kingdoms, but we have a regular threats from pirates, destroy them and conquer their war ships and become the sea kingdom. Battle other pirates thieves, plunder merchant ships, win war games and ship battles in this fearsome world of warfare. It’s the best pirate thieves game ever! Epic wars are waiting for you to win them over, In the mean while you have to prepare an unpenetratable kingdom with huge walls along with turrets on them to safeguard your people. You can customize and upgrade your base, kingdom pirate ship to the fullest. Battle to receive rewards and use it to get stronger armature and bigger ships. Build a warship that can battle all pirates in the world Sea battle.

Toegevoegd 07 Aug 2020