Bike East Bay promotes healthy, sustainable communities by making bicycling safe, fun and accessible.
The East Bay is a leader for innovative and accessible bikeways and streets that meet the needs of all users. Bicycling is a mainstream, comfortable and safe choice for all people, of varying cultures, ages, abilities, and backgrounds. Bicycles are well integrated into the transportation system and are a key part of our thriving communities.
Guiding Principles:
We commit to improving access to biking, walking and transit, with particular attention to communities and areas that have been historically underserved.
We promote bicycling as a way to improve the health, economic vitality, and happiness of our communities.
We work in partnership with the private and public sector to make our streets and communities strong, sustainable and accessible.
We are passionate about increasing the number of people who ride bicycles safely, confidently and knowledgeably.
We foster collaboration, inclusion and capacity building within communities, work with diverse groups for effective change, and value ongoing listening and learning from our community stakeholders.
We are fiscally, ethically, and environmentally responsible with our resources and in our work.