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I Used to Be Funny Official Trailer

I Used to Be Funny Official Trailer

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Sennott), an aspiring stand-up comedian and au pair struggling with PTSD, as she decides whether or not to join the search for Brooke (Olga Petsa), a missing teenage girl she used to nanny. The story exists between the present, where Sam tries to recover from her trauma and get back on stage, and the past, where memories of Brooke make it harder and harder to ignore the petulant teen's sudden disappearance. Writer/director Ally Pankiw's debut feature is both funny and heartbreaking in its honest and refreshing look at trauma and recovery, and how they affect the relationships and communities that shape us.

Directed by Ally Pankiw
Starring: Rachel Sennott, Olga Petsa, Sabrina Jalees, Caleb Hearon, Ennis Esmer, Dani Kind, Jason Jones

Toegevoegd 27 May 2024